Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Yeah yeah I just posted but so what. This post is going to be about.... GERMAN!! In my school we have to take a language and in sixth grade I chose to take German. Two of my best friends and I are all in the same German class and it's usually pretty fun. Today we just got assigned a project. The project is to draw your ideal boyfriend (or girlfriend for the guys) and describe him. For me I go more by personality more than looks. So I know we had people in mind when we were assigned this project. We were thinking "Wow, wouldn't it be embarrassing if we described those people exactly? Everyone would guess who we liked." So we are going to have to make stuff up. Then one of the describing words is "tot" which means dead. It's like why would we want a dead boyfriend? Then there is also a word for sexy. So I decided that my ideal boyfriend is going to be a sexy zombie<3 That's what happens in German class. More posts to come soon!

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