English Horn |
So I'm probably going to just ramble on about my weekend and today and everything because this is like my place for just saying everything about my life that is pretty much useless and boring. So here goes nothing! So on Friday was pretty fun. Since I play three different instruments for school, I have three different lessons. My violin lesson in on Tuesdays and my oboe and sax lessons are on Fridays. For my oboe lessons two of my friends came down and we were all playing together (they play clarinet) and it was pretty fun. But in my school there is this other oboe player and she's pretty nice but no offence to her she isn't exactly an oboe prodigy. And she compensates for her squeaking by playing loudly. Smh. And she was sorta getting on my nerves. For my sax lesson it's two of my good friends from my class and I. So we knew that we had a math test when we were supposed to have our lesson so we went for our lesson earlier and skipped social studies. Our band director who is the one who gives us lessons had another lesson when we went so he let us use one of the practice rooms which are these small rooms with just a piano and an organ. The three of us crammed into one of the practice rooms and we were playing trios from our books. My one friend and I play the tenor sax and my other friend plays the berry sax so was trying to figure out the harmony part while us tenors played the melody. Then there was one song that had a piano accompaniment and I played it on organ while one of my friends played it on the piano and my other friend played the sax. It was SO MUCH FUN! I love my lessons<3 Then we had a math test and I think I past but I know that I got at least one wrong. Then we had to get our mid quarters and I have like a C, two B's, and three or four A's. Blehh. I got a speech about how I can do better and etc. I hate those talks. Like I sorta doubt that my mother knows just how stressful it can be and how many times I just feel like curling up in a ball and crying my eyes out but I can't because I gotta stay somewhat strong. That's the part of my life that's really depressing. But it was really nice after school on Friday. I was sorta bored but I didn't want to go home because my school's band room is like my second home. So, since my band director had left already, I decided to look around for information on the english horn. The english horn is one of the instruments that I want to learn. It is like a large oboe. While I was looking for information on them I found these huge stacks of magazines that I guess were my band directors so I took it upon myself to read through some of them. Then I noticed these two binders on top of one of the stacks of magazines and, being the nosy person I am, I had to find out what was in them. So I took one of them and opened it and it was filled with choir music. So of course I had to take it out and start playing it on the piano. Some of the songs were really pretty. One of them was called Sing Me To Heaven and I was singing it and playing it on piano and it's simply beautiful. Then one of my friends, you may remember Phil, came in and was playing the left hand while I was playing the right hand. It was really fun and we went through the whole binder playing the music. Two of the songs were really cool were the Can Can and Carol of the Bells. Later that evening one of my best friends (we shall call her Tonks) and I went ice skating. Phil said he was coming but never showed up. Four times... FOUR TIMES he and my other friend Bob (from previous posts) needed to be there. I'll explain why later maybe. I'll write about Saturday, Sunday, and today later but first I gotta finish the homework that my teachers loaded us up with right before break. Blahh. Tootles for now(:
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