I know I like just posted but this topic is very important. It is called boys. Boys can be very confusing and while some of them can break your heart, others can be the best friends that you have ever had. I happen to have two really good guy friends that I like to hang out with and I know that I can trust them with anything. We shall call my one guy friend "Phil" and the other one "Bob." Okay so three of my really good friends like Phil and so do I. About two or three weeks ago these two other girls, one of them is my friend, overheard a conversation between me and another friend about Phil and should I tell him that I like him or not. So these two girls supposedly go and tell Phil that I like him. Now I think he knows but I'm not quite sure and it would be sorta embarrassing if I asked him. Also there are people saying that he likes me. Then his ex girlfriend posts on my facebook page that we should go out and two of my friends who like him like it and comment that we should. So now I don't know what to do. And if I do go out with him I still want to be friends with the other girls who like him because they are like some of my best friends ever and I would miss them too much if we didn't talk. But then I like him and wouldn't exactly mind going out with him if you know what I mean. And Phil and I still talk and stuff like there's nothing going on. And my one friend even asked a total stranger if we looked cute together and he said yes. So my predicament is do I say anything to him and if so what and it's all so confuzzling xP Why can't guys just say what is on there mind and who they like then everything would be okay(:
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