This is just little bits of random information about who knows what. Some of it may be about me, people I know, books, I don't know. They are just random tiddlybits.
For all you Harry Potter nerds out there (I'm one of them) did you ever know that vol de mort means flight of death in French? I legit never knew that 'till just earlier from google translate. Now I know where Voldemort's name came from. That's like soo cool!
Okay so if you read the paragraph at the top of my blog ^^ or even just the title for that matter ^^^ you should know that my name is Hannah. It is a palindrome. Also my initials are HH. That means that spoonerism doesn't work for my name. I like my name but there are too many people that I know named Hannah. I have two friends who are in my class named Hannah. One of my friends older sister's name is Hannah. A girl that went to my elementary school is named Hannah. And I'm sure there are other Hannah's that I know that I'm forgetting about at the moment. There are just too many Hannah's.
Okay so apparently according to friend I am like a lesbian/bi magnet. Sorry if you are a lesbian or if you are bi, I don't mean to offend anyone. But I myself happen to be straight. And I will not change for anyone. For me I don't believe that I choose to be what I am. I just am it. If that makes sense? Like I don't really believe I can choose whether I am straight, bi, or lesbian. For me it's sorta like I can't choose who I like, my heart makes the choice for me, and the people who I like like that all happen to be guys. But there are these two girls who like me. One of them is really creepy and it got to the point that I actually wouldn't mind if she just went away out of my life and I completely forgot that she ever existed. Unfortunately that will never happen >.<
Okay so I have a few books of just random facts. I also have like 3 apps on my ipod all for random facts. I don't know what it is but there is just something so funny about random facts and they are so addicting to read. Anyway I really have no clue why but for some reason there is one fact that just sticks in my head. Did you know that apparently fleas can jump 13 inches. That is the equivalent to a 6 foot man jumping across a football field. And that is the fact that has stuck in my head for a few months now. Why you might ask? I simply have no clue.
Boys= confuzzling. mind blowing. weird. obnoxious. adorable. crazy. funny. best friends. mortal enemies. smart. cute. spirit lifting. embarrassing. all of the above. I'm rockin the single life just as I always have. There is one guy who I like. But there's this guy. He cares about me. He makes me laugh. He hugs me when I'm sorta depressed. He actually listens to me. And now I'm not so sure anymore. Gahh then there is this guy. I don't know him that well. He's not exactly in my group of friends, never was, and probably never will be. If you are reading this and you know me in person, it's not who you are thinking of. If you aren't thinking of anybody, start thinking of somebody and reread the previous line. Anyway he makes me laugh. He listens to me too. He can make me smile and somehow makes me realize that there is more to life than grades and work. A laugh once in a while is important. He listens to me when I'm worried. And whenever I'm worried it just seems to melt away and I'm able to look at things in a new light. Maybe it just the fact that I'm in different surroundings when I see him and that make me less stressed. I really don't know. But he's not really in the same group as me so I only see him once in a while. And I don't really know him that well other than what I've heard from other people. I could go on with this subject for a while but I shall move on to another tiddlybit ;P
Yesterday I was watching a show about the modern day mafia and such and it's really scary! When I was watching that, that's when I wanted a (certain) guy to hold me in his arms and tell me that he'll protect me. But whatever. Anyway apparently the new threat that we should watch out for is over the Internet. Hackers can get all sorts of information about you and get your credit card number and steal your money. Also there are these Mexican whatevertheyarecalleds and they will do anything just to get money. Lately they have taken to kidnapping little children then demanding a ransom. It's really horrible! And that started getting me a little worried about my blog but I'm trusting all you people out there not to come and rob me. Thank you!
I am sorta addicted to those girly online quiz things. Such as "does he like you" or "are you a good girl" they are sorta stupid (no offense to anybody who love them, just my opinion) but they are so addicting. If it weren't 3:30 in the morning I would play one. It's bad enough that I'm even awake right now.
Addicting Quizzes
There is something you all should know about me. I. LOVE. HEDGEHOGS!!!!!!! I think that they are the cutest most adorable little things ever! If it weren't for stupid laws I would go out and buy one right this very second. Unfortunately they are illegal where I live. They are only illegal in three, THREE, states. How unfair is that?? They are illegal in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and California. Also the laws in Georgia and Arizona make it very difficult for the average person to have a pet hedgehog. I get why they are illegal in Hawaii but California and Pennsylvania?? Really?? That's just not fair! Anyway I decided that where ever I live when I'm old enough to own my own house, it's going to be in a place that allows hedgehogs<3
Anyway I need to get some sleep. Maybe I will post more tiddlybits tomorrow. I like just came up with that word, tiddlybits. Hehehe I like that word. Tiddlybits. Tiddlybits. Tiddlybits. Anyway good night!